We have seen the countless headlines this week of the devastation from hurricane Helene; mudslides, massive flooding, and severe loss. How do you even begin to respond? How can we help those in need?
Pray, give and get involved.
THIS is what is making a difference here in the western part of North Carolina and surrounding areas. Community leaders, business owners, pastors and so many more have been on the frontlines, being the hands and feet of Jesus to so many hurting families!
It is THIS kind of love and support that brings glory and honor to Jesus and softens the world's heart to the Gospel!
PS - You can make a secure donation to the relief efforts here - https://doterrahealinghands.org/match-program/fundraiser/630/hurricane-helene-disaster-relief
Enjoy the Faith, Family & Focus Podcast EVERY THUERDAY at 1PM.