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Writer's pictureDr. Scott Pauley

Finding Your Way – Evangelist Scott Pauley

Frequently I hear it said of someone that he is still trying to “find his way” in life. Our world is full of aimless drifters and empty souls. Another toy. Another trip. Another lover. Everyone just trying to find their way – but, to where?

Many people have traveled all of life on a certain path only to discover that it did not lead to the destination they had hoped. How do you find your way, the Lord’s way, for life? God has given us a guidebook for the journey. Only Scripture can show us the plain and right path.

Bible principles point the way. Proverbs 22:6 is often quoted and rarely understood. Solomon, filled with the wisdom of the heavenly Father wrote, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Some believe that if you teach young people the right way they will never leave it. I have lived long enough to know that is not true. Christian homes and good churches do not ensure that an individual will always choose the right path.

Notice the phrase: “the way he should go.” This is not a reference to the way of righteousness that all of us should travel. The Lord’s way is always right! Instead, it is a reference to the individual path that God has laid out for us. His perfect plan and purpose for our life must be found.

The sooner in life a man discovers why he is breathing, why the Lord saved him, why he is on earth, the better off his life will be! In fact, it is so rewarding that he will not want to get off that path. He needs no distraction or detour because he has found the wonderful fulfillment of being in God’s perfect will.

Are you there? Would you like to be?

  1. Find the way you should go. God’s way for all of us begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But that is only the beginning! No two people are the same. God’s plan is unique for every one of His children. Seek the Lord through His Word and prayer. Ask Him to show you the next step you are to take and be willing to obey.

  2. Find the way as quickly as you can. God’s perfect plan is that “a child” would discover the right path and stay on it all of life. We all have regrets and perhaps you think you got off the trail long ago. Begin where you are. Get on His path for you now. Refuse to waste another step.

  3. Find the way by listening to the guides. It is important to realize that no one finds their way without someone training or guiding them. God gives spiritual counselors for a reason. Talk to someone you trust who walks with God. Place yourself under the influence of a friend who is walking God’s way. No one finds his or her way alone.

Soon we all will be old. Like Paul, I want to stay on the course I should be on, “that I might finish my course with joy” (Acts 20:24). The only way to finish His way is to find and follow that way today. May God help all of us to find His way for our life!

Pauley family

Evangelist Scott Pauley posts regular articles and resources at and may be heard daily on the “Enjoying The Journey” podcast.


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